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Final League Table

League Table

SEASON 1939-40

Athenian & South Eastern Combination Leagues

The Athenian League was suspended on the outbreak of war (after one match was played)

A series of friendlies followed until the Wartime SE Combination League started up in November


Connected successfully
Name Pos'n
Anderson, AJ (39)
Burchell, GeorgeRB
Colwell, EDRM
Colwell, HWLM
Ferrett, W
Hawkins, AFGK
Hole, Vic
Mansfield, CyrilGK
Matthews, RoyCF
Moir, J
Norris, T
Osborne, Johnny
Packer, LenRM
Pearce, GeorgeLW
Pratt, AF
Price, DickCM
Rogers, R
Sargeant, GeorgeLB
Sellwood, TedRB
Stygal, ErnieLW
Turnbull, A
Walker, DaveF
Wright, JK (38)RW